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Private Notes

Work together with your team to solve customer queries

Privately discuss customer queries with your teammates, before replying to conversations.
Unless you are a one-person company, you wouldn’t ever know all the answers to all the customer questions you get. It happens more often than expected that you need to discuss a customer query with a teammate before talking to the customer.
You might need to ask your Sales guy if Black Friday discounts have started, or you might want to tag your Engineering colleague about a feature that isn’t quite working the way it should be, or you might want to tag your Support manager on how to handle an angry client.

Instead of sending screenshots and URLs of your customer conversations on your internal communication platform, you can mention the teammate you want to talk to right in your Chatwoot chat window. This is possible with Snypto Private Notes.

Easily switch from customer chat to Private Note

If you are in the middle of a conversation and need to switch to Private Notes, you don’t need to go anywhere from your screen. Press “Alt / ⌥ + P” on your keyboard and talk privately with your teammates.

Mention your teammates

Press “@” to mention teammates on Private Notes. This removes ambiguity and notifies the tagged person that you need help.

Format your text, add attachments and emojis

You don’t have to be limited by text-based explanations. Attach files to your private notes and use the rich content editor to make them really expressive.

Start collaborating with your teammates on Snypto

Snypto lets you manage your conversations across multiple channels from a single dashboard. And yes, we have a 15-day free trial and we don’t ask for your credit card.

Start collaborating with your teammates on Chatwoot

Chatwoot lets you manage your conversations across multiple channels from a single dashboard. And yes, we have a 15-day free trial and we don’t ask for your credit card.

Try Snypto Now!