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Inbox Reports

Get insights into your inboxes, with auto-updating reports

See which of your inboxes get the most activity, and what the resolution times look like.

If you are making use of Snypto omnichannel platform, you will probably have more than one inbox associated with your account. Managing conversations in multiple inboxes is great. Now, it is time to get some insights into how your inboxes are performing.

With our Inbox reports, you can simply take a look at metrics like volume of messages, resolution time, etc through your Dashboard.

Easy-to-understand data presentation

Snypto calculates and updates your metrics in the background. You can see how busy a particular inbox has been, or what the resolution times look like, over a period of time, with a bar graph.

Filters to see only what you want to see

Set custom date ranges, group your graph by day/week/month, and enable your Business Hours to view and download custom Inbox reports.

Start tracking your inboxes

Snypto lets you manage your conversations across multiple channels from a single dashboard. And yes, we have a 15-day free trial and we don’t ask for your credit card.

Start tracking your inboxes

Chatwoot lets you manage your conversations across multiple channels from a single dashboard. And yes, we have a 15-day free trial and we don’t ask for your credit card.

Try Snypto Now!