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Conversation Report

Get detailed insights into your conversations

Track important metrics and KPIs about your conversations.

You would be attending to conversations frequently in your Snypto account. While doing so, it is important to keep the customer experience and customer satisfaction in mind. But, how to know you are on the right course? You can track metrics like your First Response Time, Resolution Time, and resolution count.

As a Chatwoot member, this is extremely easy to do. You can track, filter, and download such metrics associated with your conversations from your dashboard.

Easy-to-understand data presentation

Snypto constantly calculates and updates your metrics in the background, and gives you exact figures to look at. If you want to see your performance over time, there’s a bar graph too!

Filters to see only what you want to see

Set custom date ranges, choose to see the graph for a particular metric only, group your graph by day/week, and enable your Business Hours to view and download custom conversation reports.

Start tracking your conversations today

Snypto lets you manage your conversations across multiple channels from a single dashboard. And yes, we have a 15-day free trial and we don’t ask for your credit card.

Start tracking your conversations today

Chatwoot lets you manage your conversations across multiple channels from a single dashboard. And yes, we have a 15-day free trial and we don’t ask for your credit card.
If you have added a contact to Chatwoot and need to remember some important info about them or need to add some additional info or remarks about them, you can simply add a note to that contact.

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