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Perform key actions on multiple conversations at once

Enhance your productivity by bulk updating your conversations from the Snypto Dashboard.

Snypto lets you assign agents and labels to your conversations, resolve and reopen them, and perform other important actions on your conversations.

But, what if you need to perform such an action on a conversation later? Or worse, what if you want to perform an action on multiple conversations at once?

We don’t want you to go about opening every conversation one by one and updating them. Instead, you can simply perform bulk actions from your Snypto dashboard.

Update multiple or all conversations at once

Hover over your conversation cards to select some or select them all. This displays a set of quick actions – assign labels, assign agents, or reopen/resolve/snooze conversations.

Smart actions

The bulk actions are aware of the conversations you select, and suggest actions accordingly. If your selected conversations are already resolved, the suggested actions would be to snooze or reopen them; and not resolve them.
The bulk actions also show you only the assignable agents who are added to the respective inbox.

Take charge of your conversations

Snypto lets you manage your conversations across multiple channels from a single dashboard. And yes, we have a 15-day free trial and we don’t ask for your credit card.

Take charge of your conversations

Chatwoot lets you manage your conversations across multiple channels from a single dashboard. And yes, we have a 15-day free trial and we don’t ask for your credit card.

Try Snypto Now!