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Let Snypto manage your agents’ workload

Set limits to auto-assigning conversations to your agents.

Snypto lets you auto-assign conversations coming from a particular inbox to the associated agents. But what happens when the volume of conversations increases? Your agents feel overwhelmed and the quality of query-resolutions declines. This, in turn, causes dissatisfied customers.

In Snypto, you can put a limit to the number of conversations that can be assigned to a particular agent, at the Inbox level.

Easily set auto-assignment limits

Set a number to limit the number of conversations that can be auto-assigned to particular agents.

Inbox-wise limits

Set custom agent capacity limits for each inbox – website widget support, email support, Twitter support – and every inbox that you want in your Snypto account.

Start interacting with your customers on Snypto

Snypto lets you manage your conversations across multiple channels from a single dashboard. And yes, we have a 15-day free trial and we don’t ask for your credit card.

Start interacting with your customers on Chatwoot

Chatwoot lets you manage your conversations across multiple channels from a single dashboard. And yes, we have a 15-day free trial and we don’t ask for your credit card.